Project Resistance Management

For most organizations, managing the people side of projects is a major challenge. Overcoming employee resistance is critical to success.

The Project Resistance Management program is a step-by-step approach. It helps project managers and anyone responsible for the project change.

You will:

  • Learn why people resist
  • Get tools to assess who is impacted and who is likely to resist
  • Develop soft skills and communication tactics to manage resistance
  • Target your communication, engagement, and training activities to get buy-in

Course One: Module One

Understand Different Approaches to Project Change

  • Understand how people react to project change
  • Assess the underlying needs of those impacted by your project
  • Understand common resisting behaviors

Course One: Module Two

Uncover Sources and Context of Project Resistance

  • Uncover employee issues and concerns that will impact the project
  • Understand the major sources of resistance
  • Plot where people are on the resistance to engagement spectrum

Course One: Module Three

How to Build Project Acceptance

  • Apply facilitated Inquiry techniques to build bridges and establish common ground
  • Understand needs and requirements to support and sustain project efforts
  • Determine necessary project management improvements to guarantee buy-in and project engagement

Course One: Module Four

Project Acceptance Learning Labs

  • Assess where everyone is on the project acceptance curve
  • Identify some essential conditions for acceptance and engagement 
  • Propose basic steps in an engagement roadmap
  • Use insights to inform strategy and plans:
    • Communication
    • Engagement
    • Training
    • Sustainment

Course One: Module Five

Implement and Sustain Project Efforts

  • Apply project communication tools and skills to implement plans and:
    • Be agile
    • Build and leave behind learning-oriented teams
    • Establish a commitment to sustaining project results

Course Two


Cascade Approach to Training

Attain mastery by repeatedly practicing what you learn. We recommend the "learn-one (thoroughly), do-one (repeatedly), teach-one (repeatedly)" approach commonly used to train doctors.

Learn One

Training videos are supported with transcripts and materials support visual, auditory, and kinetic learners.

Do One

Practical tasks and tools are designed to help you apply what you learn.

Teach One

Bite-sized videos and PDF versions of presentations allow you to practice soft skills as you transfer knowledge to project team members. Also, use the process to self-evaluate your increasing mastery of skills and set personal stretch goals.

Coaching Webinars

Are people holding back, sometimes behaving badly, and pulling you in different directions?  Coaching webinars support you on your learning curve.  Our project manager study group is an opportunity to post your questions for coaching webinars with fellow project managers.

Team Coaching Webinars

Projects throw up different issues and barriers to success. Team coaching webinars can be used to get a project team on the same page, get guidance on specific issues, or an opportunity to solve a problem or overcome a barrier.

Have any questions?

Project management communication training and coaching specializing in project resistance management.

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