
Obstacles To Project Management: lack of executive support

Obstacles To Project Management: lack of executive support

Introduction: what is change Management and how does it depend on executive support?

Project management involves a significant element of change management.  Why? Because companies need help to change.

It involves understanding the impact of change, making plans, and providing resources for success. Executive support is vital for change management as it requires leaders to actively support it. Without their support, it can be difficult to implement change effectively. 

What are active sponsorship and executive support & why is it so important?

Leaders need to support and be involved for a company to do well. They help the company reach its goals and provide resources. This makes employees happy. Leaders supporting a company is not just about money. It is also about being part of decision-making. Giving advice. And building relationships.

When leaders support the company, it helps it grow and be creative. When leaders support and are involved, the company does well and has a good culture. But when leaders feel uncertain, the opposite is true.

Why does a lack of executive support for long-term change initiatives lead to failure?

Every project needs the support of leaders to be successful. If not, it will not work well. Leaders need to support projects by providing resources, attention, and direction.

Many companies don't understand this and focus on short-term goals. This causes problems with how complex projects are done. And they will not be successful. 

What are the benefits of having top leadership buy-in when it comes to managing complex projects?

Because every project involves change, it is hard. Leaders need to support it for it to work. Without a leader's support, it's hard to make change happen.

When leaders are excited about the project and know what to do, they can guide the change element to happen in a good way. This makes people feel good about the project and the change to come. In other words, if leaders support the change, the change is more likely to be successful.

Assessing the impact of inactive executive support & sponsorship on digital transformation

For example, now more than ever, making technological changes is important for companies.

But it needs leaders to support it to be successful. Without leaders' support, the company is unlikely to do well with the technological changes.

The problems that can happen when leaders don't support technology changes can include:

  • Difficulty in implementing and executing technology changes
  • Missed organizational objectives
  • Lack of buy-in and engagement from employees and stakeholders
  • Difficulty in securing necessary resources and funding
  • Reduced chances of success for the technology change initiatives.

Older executives

To be effective in project management, project managers and project leaders need to put themselves in the shoes of executive leaders.

For instance, technological change can be difficult for older leaders. They may not be as familiar with new technology. This can make it hard for them to understand the changes or support them. 

Additionally, older leaders may be more resistant to change.Why?Because they might be part of the majority that finds change difficult for any number of reasons. 

Understand underlying worry of executives

Leaders may have a number of concerns or fears when it comes to technology changes, some of which include:

  • Fear of the unknown or lack of understanding about the technology change and its implications
  • Fear of making the wrong decision or investing in the wrong technology
  • Fear of job loss or obsolescence due to automation
  • Fear of negative impact on employees and stakeholders
  • Fear of disrupting current operations and processes
  • Fear of losing competitive advantage
  • Fear of financial risks associated with implementing new technology
  • Fear of regulatory or legal compliance issues

It's important to note that these fears vary from leader to leader and from organization to organization. Some may be more relevant than others depending on the specific technology change in question.

How to support leaders

Project management can take a leadership role in encouraging companies to make sure their leaders have support for technology changes by:

  • Clearly communicating the value of the change
  • Involving leaders early and keeping them informed
  • Addressing leaders concerns
  • Providing education and training
  • Showing the benefits of the change
  • Having a clear leadership structure
  • Encouraging innovation
  • Involving important people (customers, suppliers)
  • Continuously reviewing and making adjustments

In the case of older leaders and executives, it important to remember that they have valuable experience and knowledge. 

To help them with the change, companies should provide education, involve them early, address their concerns and use their experience and knowledge.

Failure to sponsor projects

Here are common reasons why executives fail to sponsor project management initiatives. Use it to create a roadmap for improving the credibility and trust in project management:

  • Executives may not understand the benefits of project management
  • Executives may not want to invest resources in project management if they don't see value
  • Executives may prioritize other initiatives over project management
  • Executives may not want to change their current processes
  • Executives may view project management as unnecessary bureaucracy
  • Executives may not trust the project management team
  • Executives may not see the business benefits of project management

The role of education 

To help executives who may not understand the benefits of project management come on board:

  • Share examples of successful implementation of project management in other organizations
  • Get support from other key stakeholders
  • Offer training and education opportunities to executives and staff
  • Tailor the project management approach to the organization's specific needs
  • Provide metrics to show potential return on investment
  • Show how project management aligns with the organization's goals
  • Keep executives informed and involved throughout the process


To make sure leaders support technology changes, companies should clearly explain the benefits. Involve leaders early. Address their concerns. Provide education. Show results. Have a plan for leaders' roles. Finally, encourage new ideas and include other important people. Keep checking and improving the plan.

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